We have all heard about the damage that sugar and certain “sticky” candies can do to teeth. Well, our Team at Klein and Walker Orthodontics wants to remind all of our patients and future patients about the dangers one more time. We know #Halloween is supposed to be a fun time of year for kids … Continue reading “Some Halloween Treats are Tricky”
Did you know that October really is National Orthodontic Health Month? Our Team at Klein and Walker Orthodontics wants you to join us in celebrating the power of a smile during October. Whether you are 12, 16 or 60…a perfect smile is one of your best assets. People everywhere appreciate a friendly smile so make … Continue reading “October is National Orthodontic Health Month”
Lollipops are a cavity on a stick and soda is pure sugar in a can. Candy and soda cause #tooth decay. You’ve been taught this since grade school. This is not news, is it? Well, what about the fact that #sports drinks ruin your teeth, too? Heard that one before? Dr. Michael Klein and Dr. … Continue reading “Beware of Sports Drinks – They Can Damage Your Teeth”
It’s that time of year again! The temperature is cooling off, fall sports are underway, and all the kids are headed back to school. At Klein and Walker Orthodontics we want to offer a few helpful tips for going back to school with #braces! Make sure to follow the 2×2 brushing rule: brush your teeth for … Continue reading “Orthodontic Tips for Back to School in Overland Park and Olathe KS”
Not all kids are happy about wearing #braces, especially teens. If teeth are slow erupting, a problem develops during a pubertal growth spurt, permanent teeth don’t erupt properly, or finances were an issue, your child may not be a happy camper. Wearing braces between the ages of 11-14 is the most common age for treatment … Continue reading “Not All kids are Happy Wearing Braces – Good Communication Paves the Way”
Busy lifestyles and a multitude of distractions make it very difficult for kids and families today to eat a meal together. Most of us at Klein and Walker Orthodontics often find ourselves eating on the run between busy work schedules, dance lessons, sports practices and games, school activities, karate lessons … the list is endless. … Continue reading “Encouraging Kids to Eat Properly Benefits Everyone”
At Klein and Walker Orthodontics some parents ask us… “Why are so many kids and adults wearing braces today?” #Orthodontic Studies report 70 percent of the US population could benefit from having their teeth and jaws realigned with #orthodontic treatment. Ancient ancestors had perfect teeth and bites, as evidenced by fossil records. Then, about 10,000 years … Continue reading “Why Do Many Kids and Adults Need Orthodontic Treatment Today?”
Some parents at Klein and Walker Orthodontics ask if stopping a child’s #nail biting habit is another positive effect of #orthodontic treatment. Since nail biting can be harmful to braces by breaking brackets and bending wires that delays treatment, Dr. Michael Klein and Dr. Cameron Walker feel that finding ways to curtail the habit is … Continue reading “Braces and Nail Biting – Does Orthodontics Break the Habit?”
Everyone who visits Klein Walker Orthodontics wants to flash a perfect smile. However not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. Many subtle problems go unnoticed when checking out someone’s smile. Crooked teeth are more obvious, but how your teeth fit together is just as important when creating a great smile and orthodontic result over … Continue reading “Why Early Orthodontic Treatment With A Palatal Expander?”
Have you ever wondered just how long braces have been around and how they have come to be the way they are today? As far back as 500 B.C., Greek scholars such as Hippocrates and Aristotle have thought about ways to straighten teeth, but no progress was made in the field until the early 1900’s. … Continue reading “History of the Model “T” of Braces | From Soldered to Invisible”